Sportunity Entreprise Logo

Our indoor basket 3x3 fields available in Lausanne, open access!

You want to play indoor basketball with your friends or strangers who share the same passion as you? It's with us! Reserve your court, participate in our championships/tournaments, play against a team with the brand new concept "Challenge a team", organize your own activity and all this without commitment. Download our application and sign up !

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You can do different things into our sport center through our application

> Download the app and create a profile

Ios: it's here

Android: it's this way

> Join the Halle basketball group and easily find the basket ball activities organized in our center

Join the Halle basketball group

Join the challenge a team group

Once you've joined the group(s), you will find into your activities tab (Filter: 'All my activities' selected), all activities of groups you joined, and you will be able to book it if you want

> Book a basketball timeslot :

Go on our app into ' Timeslots' tab and filter by sport, hours, day to find the timeslot you want. Then you can book it directly on the app. An activity will be automatically create, you can find it into ' Activities' tab, and share it to your friends to join it!

> You want to know more about tournaments/championships organised into our center?

Here, you will find all our basketball events

For any question, please contact us at 021 323 29 29 or whatsapp support: 079 388 34 05


