Sportunity Entreprise Logo

New generations sports venues

We digitalised sport venues management to increase their potential. Connect your venues to optimise their management and dicrease their operational cost

Equip your venue
Increase your occupancy rates by 23%
Reduce your operating costs by 30%
Compatible with all existing venues
Adopt your venue
Choose your sport and the type of fields,
Deploy it in few weeks
Finance it thanks to our innovative solutions

Our mission
Facilitate the development of sport thanks to connected venues

Accessible to everyone

No more badges or concierge. Everyone can organize or participate in activities by taking control of connected devices (doors, lights, lockers, etc.)


Venues maintenance and management are fully automated allowing flexible operation 24/7

Simplified organization

Clubs, companies or local individuals can, from our application, book slots and organize various activities such as simple activities or games, championships and tournaments.

A unique experience

The facilitation of activity organization will allow you to have a diversified offer ranging from elite sport to sport for all.

Our solution
Venue linked to a mobile application

From CHF 450.- / month
Area of ​​390 m2 required

Take advantage of a fully customizable structure in your colors. This field allows an intense but fun game suitable for beginners and experienced alike.


From CHF 250.- / month
Area of ​​200 m2 required

Ride the wave of this new sport from Mexico. Between tennis and squash, it allows a sport more accessible to a group of 4 players.


From CHF 450.- / month
Area of ​​128 m2 required

The sport that make the difference, regardless of the season. Immersed in perfectly matched sand, has never been so easy. Recommended from 7 to 77 years old


From CHF 450.- / month
Area of ​​165 m2 required

Who doesn't dream of playing on an NBA-type floor? Lebron James only has to behave well, provide the latest generation professional pitches for an exceptional experience


From CHF 100.- / month
Area of ​​100 m2 required

Offer a studio that stands out: connected light with adjustable intensity, latest generation parquet. A modular studio to offer a dozen different sports


From CHF 150.- / month
Surface from 100 m2 required.

Create a totally modular room according to your desires: roll-up tatapimi, boxing ring, CrossFit... Multi-sports rooms that can offer up to 30 different sports

+ 30 other types of infrastructure
Visit our showroom
100 connected objects, more than 40 sports available 2000 m2 of sports space
300 clubs, 200 companies and 11,000 individuals organize dozens of one-off or weekly activities
2,800 matches, 8 championships and 32 tournaments and 200 annual anniversary are organized there each year
Manage your sport facilities
Timeslots distribution and access management
Real time booking schedule of each facilities
Staff management to ensure quality and security
Organize your activities
Create and manage your activities
Build Communities and manage your memberships
Take advantage of our networks of athlete communities, staff and equipments
Optimize your organization
Generate additional rental income from unrented and cancelled timeslots
Increase your average activities’ booking rate
Use our cutting-edge technology to decrease your amount of work